


Héctor is a recognized leader in the prophetic movement and serves as the President of G-FORCE Ministries. He provides prophetic oversight to various churches and ministries, and serves as a prophetic voice to various networks.  Héctor has a passion to model and teach the simplicity of the supernatural lifestyle. He travels as an itinerant minister and also has written several books and training materials for prophetic ministry.




Héctor Santos was born and raised in a Christian home and in an atmosphere where reading the bible, singing Christian songs, holding family worship meetings, and going to church regularly was a normal part of life. It was at home, during his childhood, that he began to experience God through dreams, visions, and angelic encounters.

Héctor dedicated his life to the Lord at the age of 16. Since then, the Lord has allowed Héctor to serve in a leadership capacity for many years in the body of Christ. At the Lord’s leading, he developed a strong prophetic gift, a passion for interpreting dreams and visions, a seer anointing, a teaching gift, and a heart to equip others in how to hear from God and how to develop their God-given gifts.


Héctor is a recognized leader in the prophetic movement and serves as the President of G-FORCE Ministries. He provides prophetic oversight to various churches and ministries, and serves as a prophetic voice to various networks.  Héctor has a passion to model and teach the simplicity of the supernatural lifestyle. He travels as an itinerant minister and also has written several books and training materials for prophetic ministry.

Héctor Santos was born and raised in a Christian home and in an atmosphere where reading the bible, singing Christian songs, holding family worship meetings, and going to church regularly was a normal part of life. It was at home, during his childhood, that he began to experience God through dreams, visions, and angelic encounters.

Héctor dedicated his life to the Lord at the age of 16. Since then, the Lord has allowed Héctor to serve in a leadership capacity for many years in the body of Christ. At the Lord’s leading, he developed a strong prophetic gift, a passion for interpreting dreams and visions, a seer anointing, a teaching gift, and a heart to equip others in how to hear from God and how to develop their God-given gifts.


Released at ACTIV8 Conference, July 19-20, 2019



“I asked the Lord what mantle to bring to leave up here with you. I’ve brought back the mantle that was initiated here. I’ve brought back other mantles. But the one the Lord asked me to bring is the one that is linked with the first fruit beginning in Israel, which is the almond bush blossoming. And the word (Almond bush) actually means, ‘I will watch after all the fruit that comes forth until the final fruit manifests' — and that’s the pomegranate fruit, filled with seeds for your future."


“And the Lord says, ‘I’m doing something NEW with you! There’s a new movement up here and you’re going to be able to work with those who see my movement.’ The Lord says, ‘You’re going to be able to listen to those that are hearing the movement! You’re going to be able to encourage the gathering in key apostolic foundational places that will cause the prophetic anointing to fall in new ways. I say, what has begun here, I am ready to bring to a new performance!’”

“And the Lord says, ‘The gap between heaven and earth over this area is VERY NARROW! There is a thin membrane.’ Father, right now, we ask for the FINISHING anointing to rest here. Father, all the way up here, all I could think about was, ‘Lord, would you FINISH what you begun? The Lord said to me, ‘I am sending you to decree that My finishing anointing is coming upon My people throughout this region and will come all the way from Buffalo into New York City! But I say, here, in THIS region, in THIS city, it’s very thin! At Elim, it’s very thin, but it’s got to be BROKEN AGAIN!' And when it’s broken, it’s got to have that outpouring again! And then it’s got to have the birth pains again. And the Lord said, ‘Don’t try to get make everything come into all the order that’s necessary. I do a NEW THING. I’m doing a NEW THING! But I say this to you, I’m strengthening what REMAINS!”

— Chuck D. Pierce, Glory of Zion International


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